www.sudzibas.lv PayPal krapšana internetā

PayPal - krapšana internetā

Vēlos brīdināt visus Latvijas iedzīvotājus par krāpniekiem internetā!

Mana situācija bija sekojoša. SS.lv ieliku sludinājumu, ka pārdodu mašīnas diskus. Un atsaucās persona no Londonas Joan Van der Sloot ar e-pasta adresi [slēpt]@gmail.com. Sākumā uz e-pastu atsūtīja vēstuli ar jautājumu, vai tie ir labā stāvoklī. Atbildēju, ka jā. Tad nākamais e-pasts bija, ka viņam ļoti iepatikusies prece (neminot vārdu diski, jo laikam jau tās ir standarta vēstules, ko sūta visiem) un vēlas tos iegādaties, bet viņam patīkot kaulēties, tāpēc vaicā, kāda būtu cita cena, par kādu es būtu ar mieru pārdot preci. Tā kā mana sākuma cena bija 190ls, tad to nolaidu uz 175ls. No viņa atnāca atbilde, ka tā viņu apmierina. Tad viņs jautā, vai man ir konts Paypal un pēc viņa pieprasījuma iedevu viņam savu e-pasta adresi Paypal kontam. Joans Van der Sloot tad atrakstīja garu depešu, ka uz manu Paypal kontu nosūtīs 290ls, no kuriem 190ls par preci (priekš kam bija vajadzīgs nokaulēt cenu uz 175ls?) un 100ls man būs janosūta viņa Shipping Agentam caur Western Union, minot tā agenta datus, jo šis agents no manis šo preci pēc tam paņemšot.
Joans Van der Sloot atraksta nakošaja dienā, ka nauda esot parskaitīta. Es ieeju savā Paypal kontā-naudas nav. Saku viņam, ka nauda nav atnākusi. Joans atbild, ka man no Paypal atnakšot uz e-pastu vēstule, kad nauda būs ienākusi. Un protams, atnak arī vēstule no [slēpt]@paypal.com, ka nauda ir ienākusi manā Paypal kontā. Viss smuki noformets, ka pilnīgi noticēju. Bet ieeju Paypal kontā-naudas nav. Atnak nakama vēstule no Paypal, ka 100ls man japarskaita tam Shipping agentam 24h laikaa:
Robin Freeman
Courier Exchange Logistics.
South Quay Plaza, 183 Marsh Wall
London, E14 9SR
United Kingdom.

Es neliekos ne ziņas, jo gaidu naudu 290ls un tikai tad 100ls sutishu tam agentam.
No Paypal tik nak vēstules, ka nepildu saistibas ar Joan Van der Sloot un, ja neparskaitisu naudu tam agentam, man bushot Legal Action, proti, sankcijas pēc pilnas programmas un mani dati tiks nodoti FBI. Draudu vēstules naca vairakas.
Parādīju šīs vēstules savam neticīgajam draugam, šis saka, ka tie ir krapnieki un lai es nosūtu Paypalam vēstuli, vai tada adrese ir īsta un vai tās ir Paypal sūtītās draudu vēstules. Es protams ieeju vienā no krapnieku saņemtajiem e-pastiem [slēpt]@paypal.com un tur var uz linka Click here, ja ir kadas neskaidrības, aizsūtīt savu problēmu. Un es arī nosūtu tekstu, ka no Joan van der Sloot neesmu saņēmusi naudu. Paralēli ieeju arī īstajā PAYPAL majas lapā, kā draugs ieteica, un atrodu Paypal e-pastu, uz kuru nosūtu vienu no krāpnieku [slēpt]@paypal.com saņemtajiem e-pastiem, ar jautajumiem, vai tas ir no viņiem. No īsta Paypal [slēpt]@paypal.com atnak vēstule, ka Paypals neko tadu man nav sūtījis un tie [slēpt]@paypal.com ir krāpnieki.
Protams, uz manu vēstuli atbild arī krapnieciskais [slēpt]@paypal.com ar tekstu, ka tiešam nauda ir uz manu kontu parskaitīta, un lai es nomaksaju 100ls agentam.
Naudu protams netaisos tam agentam sūtīt un šobrīd tikai iesmeju par e-pastiem, ko saņemu no viltus Paypal un viņu patrona Joana, ka naudu viņs man ir nosūtījis un maksajums ir neatgriezenisks 

Nezinu, pie ka vērsties, lai šos krāpniekus apturētu, tapēc vismaz vēlos brīdinat, lai neviens no jums uz šo triku neuzķeras.
Situācija ir ļoti nepatīkama, kad nāk draudu vēstules uz e-pastu, ka tu esi saņēmis naudu, bet nepildi saistības ar Joanu un neparsūti 100ls Joana agentam. Stresa situacijās cilvēks var sastrādat lielas muļķības, bet neļaujiet, lai stress un bailes kontrolē jūsu rīcību!!!
Paldies maniem tuviniekiem par atbalstu un it īpasi draugam, kas šos neliešus uzķēra.

Esiet uzmanīgi!!!



Komentāri (79)

D Dmitrijs 22.09.2010

Ar mani bija tapat rakstija no adreses

L Lauva 08.10.2010

Jā, man viens Nazis arī šitādu mēslu sūtīja. Ķipa grib pirkt kvadru. Nu atnāca tā vestule, ka nauda ir atsūtīta. Aizgāju uz Western Union lai saņemtu savus 3020EUR. naudu nedeva, jo nebija man 10 ciparu kods.
Aizsūtu viņam vestuli, ka naudu nesaņēmu. Viņs saka, aizsuti uz MALAIZIJU 500EUR, karvu pārvadātajiem, tad saņemsi savu daļu.
Es saku ka man nav, un lai sūta 500 eiro uz mana Paypal konta, tad essamaksāšu pa kravu pārvadāšanu un parējo daļu var arī vēlāk.

Nu un gaidu.
Un ja prasīs konta nr. došu ienaidnieka konta nr. kuram esmu parāda pāris latus . :))
Varbūt to viņi iztukšos :D

M Martins 09.11.2010

[slēpt]@gmail.com - shodien atsuutja vestuli, ka grib pirkt no manis vinyl atskanjotaajus-biju dzirdejis par shadiem skameriem tapec noleemu palasiit tantai googlei! :)
paldies par juusu rakstiem un uzmanas no [slēpt]@gmail.com

M Martins 09.11.2010

tik tikko atnaaca shaadi cirki!:D

Okay, i wish to buy all this items including the mixer for my twins
daughter in the school in Nigeri.So tell me the price which you wish
to sell this item for me including the shipping money to Nigeria and
moreso, i will pay you with PayPal.

So kindly tell me the total cost of the all items with the mixer and
the shipping cost by latvia post office to Nigeria.

So i wait to hear back from you shortly..

O o 09.11.2010

aizsūti, ka, ja ņem visu kopā, tad dabūs ar milzu atlaidi, kopā ar piegādi kādi 50 000 $ :)

M Martins 11.11.2010

uzmanaas arii no shii kraapnieka [slēpt]@gmail.com
jau otro dienu paradas kaads jauns e-pasts, kursh grib pirkt manu preci :)

K Kristine 13.11.2010

arī mani tādi krāpnieki uzrunāja, labi, ka vesalais saprāts lika saprast, ka tā ir visdrīzāk krāpniecība un nepiekrist darījumam ar auto.
Quoting regina scott :
Hi mate, I have looked at it a few times now, and after looking around, i'm satisfied with the great condition but what's your actual price for it. I love a bargain, so i would like to get it as soon as i can. I would be able to make payment through paypal, i find it the easiest way to use my credit card safely and is a safe and reliable method of payment... Let me know your price for it . I hope to hear from you soon, and i will make all transportation preparations for the it to be transported to my home in London, UK. If possible can you send me some recent picture or video of the item ?

Below is my address:

Name : Mrs Regina Scott
Address: 9B the Orchard
City: Blackheath
County: London
Post Code: SE30QS
Country: United Kingdom


;D pats labākais jau visā tekstā bija tas, ka iekripa jau pirmkārt uz pavisam vienkāršām lietām, ja viss teksts smuki angliski, bet e-pasts un telefons uzrakstīts latviski, lūk -
E-pasts: [slēpt]@hotmail.com
Telefons: 04497489593

Angļi tā neraksta :D
Kad atteicu darījumu, tad nāca vēstules arī no citiem e-pastiem -
No: Sestdiena, 16 Oktobris 2010 10:47"Richard Willson"

I Ilgvars 05.12.2010


I Ilgvars 07.12.2010


"Dear ...,

We have received all details needed for the verification and the verification have been completed. We would like to inform you that the transfer have already been completed and the money have been transfer into your account but transfer of the money will reflect in your PayPal account in the next Few hours Due to an International Transfer.

Thank you for using PayPal online services,

The image

PayPal Team.


Un tad nakama vestule:

"We hereby regarding the payment confirm from Jennny Messi direct to your PayPal Account. PayPal ID: Transaction ID: 8MX85379H92678485 from PayPal online.

Actually we have completely received all the details sent to us from you regarding the transaction, but unfortunately we have make a process to make the transfer of the money to be activate into your account for past few days as far as you have been expecting the money to be credited into your PayPal account, now we try our best to make the activation into your PayPal account Since then, but there is a problem in activating the money into your account as well as our Transfer Department just get to know today that Jennny Messi account is a Domination account with us here Which has a Limit, a small amount of 150.00LVL can not be transfer out of her account.

Money transferring from out of her account to another account for Auction Payment starting from 250.00LVL we make a apologize that the money can not be transfer into your account due to the money is very small to the amount the account can issued out to transfer into your PayPal account and this happen because this is an Auction transfer which is for Auction Item and any domination account transferring money from PayPal Team Online will start to be transfer at the amount of 250.00LVL.Now we want you to make a contact with Jennny messi, How to solve the problem out to be able to activate the money into your account, we are doing this because your transaction amount does not complete up to the 250.00LVL and now all what we are talking about is to try and make the deal complete up to 250.00LVL which should be solved out within you and Jennny messi.


The conclusion of the transaction must be complete within now and the next 24hours in order for us to be able to make a direction about your transaction with all the information about the deal.


To be honest with you, Do anything jennny messi say to you on how to make the deal complete up to 250.00LVL. You Must abide with her. so that the transfer can be completed.

We hope to read back from you about the reality conclusion of the transaction.

Thank you for using PayPal!
The PayPal Team

PayPal, an zip.lv company
Copyright © 1999-2010 PayPal. All rights reserved "

Un tad vel viena vestule:

We are happy to inform you about the payment made by our client Mrs jenny messi has been upgraded to the total amount of 250.00LVL for the Additional payment so that your money can be transferred .

We are happy once again to inform you that the payment has been made and approved and ready to be credited to your account once you get back to us here with the western union details for proper verification.

We urge you to proceed with the sending of the money as soon as possible and get back to us with the western union receipt given to you form the post office for the activation of your money to your account.

Thank you for using PayPal online services,

The image

PayPal Team.

Management. "

Un vinji nebeidz parsteigt, nu cik tad var???

" Your Payment was sent through our delivery into your PayPal account ID: and the Payment will be delivered in the next 24 hours which means, You only have 24Hours to refund the balance to the buyer so we won't stop the transfer of the payment in transit into your PayPal account.

We have just contacted the buyer to select the preferred method to have the money back. The buyer confirmed that you are requested to send the balance of 100.00LVL to her sister that will be Going on a Program in Nigeria Using Western Union Money Transfer.

Below is the Confirmed and Verified Receiver's Details as provided by the buyer.

Name:Olaniyan Oyenike
Address: zQ17 Alesu street
Country: Nigeria
State: Osun
City: Ilesa
Zip code: 23436
Tel: 07032048387

Note; The payment will be delivered in the next 24 hours which means you must refund the balance within the next 24 hours unless we may hold the transfer of the payment in transit.

The M.T.C.N 10 Digit Control Number and the security Question and Answer including your full Name and contact detail should be send to us after you have refund the money.

The Above detail should be send to us alone and not to the buyer so as for us to verify it and get your PayPal Account remitted before the buyer can receive the money for your security sake.

If you have any question feel free to reply.

We are very sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Thanks for your understanding.

Thank you for using PayPal!
The PayPal Team

PayPal, an ZIP.LV company
Copyright © 1999-2010 PayPal. All rights reserved"

Un tad vinji pieprasa 50.00 Lvl par transakciju, kaut kaads sviests!!!
We are now fully Proceed with your transfer payment, But there is a Problem now the International Agency want you to pay the transfer
charges, but we have contact your buyer and she Inform us that she will pay the transfer charges which is 50.00LVL and She has made an additional Payment of 50.00LVL for the transfer charges, So your buyer now requested that you should send the transfer charges which is 50.00LVL to her cousin in Nigeria via Western Union and get back to us with the western Union details so that you can receive the money today Morning before 23:00 GMT AM, Your buyer have Provide his client information to send the money via Western Union.

Name:Olaniyan Oyenike
Address: zQ17 Alesu street
Country: Nigeria
State: Osun
City: Ilesa
Zip code: 23436
Tel: 07032048387

Text Question :
Answer :

Also We want you to get back to us with the information below for us to
confirm the Transfer:

Sender First Name:
Sender Last Name:
MTCN (Money Transfer Control Number):
Secret Question and Answer:
Your Full address:
Exact amount sent:

So you are going to receive Total payment of 300.00LVL In your PayPal account as soon as you send us the MTCN control number and send Sender's name to Confirmed it with western Union Online . Kindly get back to us Immediately you send the money if possible send us the Scan Copy from western Union to us, It is very Important that we need to confirmed the western union details today before we can be able to transfer the money Before 23 :00 GMT AM in the morning Hope you understand and we will be waiting for your response once you send the 50.00LVL to buyer Cousin in Nigeria .**

*NOTE:* You are not to send the western union control number to the buyer these time due to legal security and once you provide us with the MTCN details and it get verified then we shall release all the total sum of 300.00LVL into your PayPal account which as been verified valid.


We are very sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Thanks for your understanding.


Thank you for using PayPal online services,

The image

PayPal Team.


Un tad atkal viltus PayPal uztaisa kljudu, kur ievada nepareizu summu un man atkal pieprasa atgriezt viniem jau 200.00 LVL...


We hereby regarding the payment confirm from Mrs Jennny Messi direct to your PayPal Account from the PayPal online Transfer.

Actually we have completely received all the details sent to us from you regarding the transaction of the Western Union You Send to Mrs Jennny Messi Cousin In Nigeria, We want you to Know that the Money Has Been Picked Up By Olaniyan...

Now We want to Apologize to you that Our Transfer Department Made a Mistake When Transferring your Money to Your Account

As you Know that your Total Money is 300 LVL, But When Our Transfer Department is Trying to make the Transfer of your Money to Your account a Mistake Occur there was a Mistype of the Amount Which 500LVL...In Which your Total amount is 300 LVL...

Now we want you to Know that the 200.00LVL has Been Mistype and Been Miss-transferred Automatically been add to your 300LVL of your formal total cost Before so Now your account is Going to be Credited with 500 LVL in Total ...

Now We want you to know that the 200 LVL Has been Deducted from Mrs Jennny Messi and which you have to Refund Back the 200 LVL that was Mistakenly been Transferred to your Account So that your Money can be able to be Credited in the Next 4Hurs Okay


The conclusion of the transaction must be complete within now and the next 48 hours in order for us to be able to Credit your Account...


To be honest with you, You Must Refund the Mistyped Money within the Next 48 Hours .so that the transfer can be completed.

We hope to read back from you about the reality conclusion of the transaction.

Thanks for your understanding.

Thank you for using PayPal!
The PayPal Team

PayPal, an ZIP.LV company
Copyright © 1999-2010 PayPal. All rights reserved

Vienkarshi palasiet sho visu, lai neuzkertos uz krapniekiem.

A Alfrēds 23.12.2010

Varat nemaz neminēt krāpnieku e-pastus. Viņi tos maina, kā zeķes. Ar vakar saņēmu ziņu, ka vēlme pirkt manu auto. Iedevu PayPal e-pastu un tālāk kā jau pēc scenārija. Jautājums tantei googlei un viss kas lec ārā ir SKAM! :D krāpniecība un nekas cits. Neesat lētticīgi.

M marsiano 04.01.2011

Aciim redzot Latvijai neeggeri kkerushies riktiigi klaat, paaris dienas arii dziivoju eiforijaa, likaas beidzot paardoshu autinnu un bez kauleeshanaas, bet zemapzinna jutu ka nevar taa laimeeties. Kad atsuutija ka saakumaa kautkas jaaparskaita ar Wester Union paliidziiu, saaku smadzennot, MUMS SAMAKSAA MEES PAARDODAM. Esiet modri tautieshi, paldies visiem kas dod padomus cilveekiem.

Z zakis 12.01.2011

Es arī iekritu šajās lamatās. Pilnīgi raudāt gribas. Sūtījumus pašlaik ir ceļa uz Nigēriju. Rīt zvanīšu uz pastu un mēgināšu atsaukt sūtījumu, ceru, ka izdosies dabūt atpakaļ savus fotoaparātus. No manis arī prasa, lai aizsūtu vēl naudu uz Nigēriju un tikai tad dabūšu savu naudu atpakaļ. Ļoti aizdomīgi likās tas, ka viņi spiež uz to, ka man obligāti jānosūta nauda caur western union un pēc iepējas ātrāk. Tad arī nolēmu pārbaudīt google. Šausmas! Esiet ļoti uzmanīgi!!!

A Anna 15.01.2011

Sveiki, gribu bīdināt arī par vēl vienu krāpnieci (datus varat apskatīties zemāk), darbojās pec iepriekš aprakstītām shēmām.
epasts, no kura sūta vēstules : " inene fenen " < [slēpt]@gmail.com >

Name: oyenike olaniyan
Address: 222 Alesu street
Country: Nigeria
State: Osun
City: Ilesa
Zip code: 23436
Tel: 08035066019

K Klients 15.01.2011

Žanra klasika :) Īstenībā internets pilns ar šiem stāstiem, un parasti uz tā uzķeras alkatīgi un neuzmanīgi cilvēciņi, kuriem sačakarē smadzenes krāpnieku piedāvātās summas. Vai tad nevar ielāgot vienu lietu-kamēr nauda nav ieskaitīta jūsu kontā, tikmēr nekādi darījumi nenotiek!

š Šķēre 17.01.2011

Jā, man arī šodien atnāca e-pasts no " inene fenen " < [slēpt]@gmail.com >. Labi, ka pagooglēju vispirms, jo likās aizdomīgi...

P pelukss 19.01.2011

Mans stāsts sekojošs:pārdodu zelta rokasķēdi.Tāpat, kā Jums visiem, man atnāca vēstule no [slēpt]@gmail.com(inene henen), ka vēlas pirkt ķēdi.Adrese, kur nosūtīt pirkumu-Nigērija.u.t.t.Pāris dienas sarakstījos līdz, mana intuīcija nojauta, ka kaut kas nav tīrs.Ielogojos google.lv ar šo epastu un atrodos tagad šeit, rakstot savu stāstu:)
Patreiz esmu nonākusi tiktāl, ka vakar izsūtīju paciņu uz Nigēriju un šamējam nosūtīju tracking number-izsekošanas numuru(ar šo numuru var sekot paciņas gaitai līdz tā nonāks Nigērijā).Tikai zelta ķēdes vietā es ieliku kastītē sava 1.5 g.vecā bērna kakas:) un apsveikuma kartiņu ar sveicieniem no manis u.t.t. par "izdevušos darījumu"!Es nepažēloju 1.60Ls un savu laiku, lai nosūtītu šo jauko paciņu mūsu visiem zināmajam pircējam:)
Ceru, ka Jūs darīsiet tāpat.

I irena 25.01.2011

Muļķīgi, ka ielikts kā sūdzība par paypal. Paypal nav ar to nekāda sakara. Un tā ir parasta, banāla krāpšana, es domāju, ka visi jau sen par to zina.:/

L Lattelekom 22.02.2011



E Esesesseseseseses 22.02.2011

Ddd, ja Tu man labi atsūkāsi, arī es Tev iedošu kredītu! :D :D :D :D :D smscredit diršlaiža! :D :D :D :D

е Евгений 22.02.2011

Весь понятийный аппарат, терминология и концептуальные выкладки заимствованы из теософии и соответствуют действенности.

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Lejupielādēt failus

Sīkdatnes mūsu tīmekļa vietnē tiek izmantotas, lai darbu tajā padarītu draudzīgāku un efektīvāku lietotājiem. Lai nodrošinātu visu vietnes funkciju darbību, lūdzu noklikšķiniet uz „Pieņemt Sīkdatnes”. Plašākai informācijai iepazīstaties ar mūsu Sīkdatņu lietošanas noteikumiem un ar mūsu Personas datu apstrādes noteikumiem.

Pieņemt Sīkdatnes