www.sudzibas.lv MELNSILS KEMPINGS/VIESU NAMS Piecu darbinieku(!!!!!) uzbrukums 4 gadus vecas meitas klātbūtnē

MELNSILS KEMPINGS/VIESU NAMS - Piecu darbinieku(!!!!!) uzbrukums 4 gadus vecas meitas klātbūtnē


July 10, 2024 I was attacked by two bastards that were searching for me for whatever reason - according to them since I was from Riga, sort of a foreigner, and spoke Russian language, it was a reason for them to search for me and attack in front of my 4 year old daughter! First of all, the first bastard, that was driving JEEP with number plates EL-292 was speeding up in the area where the maximum speed was 20 km his speed was at least 50, and he almost hit my little daughter with his car! We were coming home from "Citro" grocery store just nearby. After he stopped he started screaming nationalist - something like "Go back to Russia, even though I was born here as well as my father and my daughter. After he noticed I wasn't afraid he called another piece of shit in the black shirt, please see attachment, his number plates were KZ-3751. He continued with nationalist shit, so I started talking with them in Latvian and English. They wanted to beat me up in front of my daughter so I took a can of condensed milk ands about to throw to his face if he approached closer to me. The tall piece of shit was shooting video and screaming some nationalist shit and I will definitely ask police to collect video from his phone. I was very afraid for my daughter, since I was also attacked on June 17 in Jurmala and I have moderate bodily injury - my left arm is broken in two spots, my finger is broken, severe concussion, different cuts and so on.
That happened literally just 200 meters from our house in Melnsils. I screamed to my daughter to run away in the forest and was about to hit them with everything I had with me to protect my small family!
After we got back home I called 112 - rescue service, and during the call another car, third one, Volvo just passed a nearby road and the driver was checking upon me! So now I knew that was very serious!
I locked my daughter in the house with my dog, took a gas balon and a metal stick to check if these two bastards were coming from that MELNSILS KEMPINGS. Once I got there - these two criminals were chilling at a reception with 3 other guys. Once they saw me they started approaching me, recording and another guy named ROBERTS, took a paddle - so I used my gas balon twice - one spray went in Roberts direction when he hit my leg and ribs with the paddle (:D), and second one to the tall piece of crap that almost hit my small daughter with his JEEP.
Please mind that this happened DURING DAYTIME, at around 12:30 on July 10! Once they were trying to continue their attack and wanted to surround me in order to beat me up - I took a stone from a nearby fireplace and threw in the attackers direction. Also when we approached the beach - I took a firewood from one of the houses in order to stop the attack! THE BEACH AND SURROUNDINGS WERE FULL OF PEOPLE AND SMALL CHILDREN!
So that criminal in the black shirt took a firewood and almost hit a small girl that was hanging around their rented small house!
So I had to leave my bike in order to run away to my daughter and hide in the forest.
After police came - I wrote a complaint against them and а suspicion of attempting to cause me grievous bodily harm in a group.
I could not go to the hospital since it was located 100 km fro the place we lived. So today before noon I willl reach the hospital in Talsi and go to the POLICE right after.
The case was already opened and I will go until the END!

These criminals were trying to harm me for the last 2 weeks or so since I was hanging around on the beach and near their campsite! WHAT THE FUCK?

I got a suspicion that two owners - Lagzdiņš Andis and Lagzdiņš Māris are involved as I cannot think of any other reason how all of their stuff was searching for me for a few days.

Also they are conflicting with many many customers for whatever reasons. Also they are DECEIVING their customers and try to sell EVERYTHING at a high price - SHOWER, WATER, WOOD and so on.

I will prepare a petition to court from me and from my small daughter!

If you were also attacked by the staff - PLEASE CONTACT ME AT ANY [slēpt]@gmail.com


Komentāri (6)

I inkognito99 11.07.2024

Ja arī jūs cietāt no šīs neveiksmīgās vietas darbinieku rīcības - iesniegsim kolektīvu prasību!

I inkognito99 11.07.2024

жирный, ссыкливый и длинный нацисты содомиты поставили дизлайк

( ( ͡❛ - ͡❛) 11.07.2024

Autoram laiks doties uz tvaika ielas iestādi. Tās draudzīgais kolektīvs palīdzēs tikt galā ar visām bailēm un pārdzīvojumiem.

I inkognito99 11.07.2024

О, петух Алексейс Клименковс, 230682-11675 раскукарекался ;)

I inkognito99 12.07.2024

Всё будет рамках закона! Вы нацисты! Даже не думайте "заходить в гости" толпой. Я злой вооружённый дзюдоист.

santozs 12.07.2024

pats esi vatas gabals😏

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